predsednica Evropske komisije Ursula von der Leyen,
predsednik Evropskega sveta Charles Michel
predsednica Evropskega parlamenta Roberta Metsola
visoki predstavnik za zunanjo in varnostno politiko Josep
V luči nadaljevanja morije in uničevanja, ki ga izraelska
vojska nemoteno in neustavljivo izvaja nad civilnim prebivalstvom v Gazi in
Zahodnem bregu, v posmeh tako osnovnim civilizacijskim normam kot vsem
pozivom svetovne skupnosti, k njegovemu končanju, vštevši s resolucijami
Varnostnega sveta in Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov ter samo odločbo
Meddržavnega sodišča (ICJ) v Haagu o preprečevanju genocida nad palestinskim
ob pomanjkanju ustreznega odziva večine evropskih vlad pa
tudi slovenskih oblasti,
v imenu, verjamemo, pretežnega dela ozaveščene, čuteče,
odgovorne in globoko pretresene javnosti,
Evropsko komisijo, Evropski svet in Evropski parlament k
takojšnjemu ukrepanju, ki naj bo do države Izraela primerljivo z ukrepanjem do Ruske
federacije zaradi agresije na Ukrajino. Pričakujemo namreč, tudi v imenu
doslednosti, jasno in nedvoumno obsodbo Izraela, ohladitev diplomatskih,
poslovnih in drugih odnosov z njegovo vlado ter sprožitev ustreznih sankciji
zoper odgovorne za omenjeno morijo. Ni vas treba spomniti na grozljive številke
pobitih, ranjenih, razseljenih Palestincev ter izbrisanih življenjskih pogojev
v napadeni enklavi, številke ki se dnevno povečujejo.
»Svet je padel na preizkušnji humanosti«, je nedavno
izjavila slovenska zunanja ministrica Tanja Fajon, a bistveno dalje ni šla. Res
je, da si slovenska vlada prizadeva za trajno premirje, za neovirano in
konstantno humanitarno pomoč prebivalcem Gaze, za varnost tudi osebja Združenih
narodov in humanitarnih organizaciji, zdravnikov in novinarjev, za nemoteno
nadaljevanje financiranja Agencije OZN za Palestince (UNRWA), za mirovno
konferenco, za priznanje Palestine in rešitev dveh držav, za spoštovanje odločbe
ICJ in sicer mednarodnega prava. Odločno podpira tudi napore, ki jih za dosego
teh ciljev vlaga generalni sekretar OZN Antonio Guterres. A vse do danes, jasne
in nedvoumne obsodbe Izraela ter poziva k sankcijam proti njemu ni hotela,
znala ali si upala izreči.
Zato tokrat pozivamo, da to storite vi, v upanju da bo
tovrstni odziv dal Izraelu vsaj misliti o primernosti in sprejemljivosti
njegovega početja. Ko bi spoznal, da mu Evropska Unija več ne stoji ob strani,
da ga celo obsoja in kaznuje, bi se morda odločil ustaviti »specialno
operacijo« in se umakniti iz Gaze, s čimer bi se umirile tudi razmere v Rdečem
morju. Sami dobro veste da vsak dan nadaljnjega oklevanja pomeni novih 150 do
200 ubitih civilistov, novih 90 do 120 ubitih žensk in otrok ter korak bližje širšemu
in nevarnejšemu regionalnemu spopadu.
28 tisoč doslej pokončanih nedolžnih življenj Palestincev
kličejo po vašem ukrepanju, da ne bo tudi na vso Evropsko unijo padla
neizbrisljiva senca zgodovinske sramote, ki je 1995 leta onečastila nizozemske
Modre čelade v Srebrenici.
Dokažite da humanost v domnevno najbolj napredni in
civilizirani celini še ni povsem zamrla in da v Bruslju obstajata volja in moč,
da jo znova poženemo!.
Pobudniki poziva, nekdanji in sedanji evropski poslanke
in poslanci iz Republike Slovenije:
Aurelio Juri, Milan Brglez,
Matjaž Nemec, Mojca Drčar Murko, Ivo Vajgl, Mojca Kleva Kekuš,
Drugi podpisnice in podpisniki:
President of the
European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen,
President of the
European Council Charles Michel
President of the
European Parliament. Roberta Metsola
Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell
In view of the
continued murder and destruction that the Israeli army is carrying out,
unhindered and unstoppable, against the civilian population in Gaza and the
West Bank, in defiance of both the basic norm of civilisation and all calls by
the international community to put end to it, including the resolutions of the
Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly, as well the
preliminary decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague
to prevent genocide against the Palestinian people,
in the absence of
an adequate response from most European governments, but also from the
Slovenian authorities,
behalf, we believe, of a large part of an informed, sentient, responsible and
deeply shocked public,
European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament to take
immediate action towards Israel, comparable to that taken against the
Russian Federation in the wake of its aggression against Ukraine. We expect,
also in the name of consistency, a clear and unequivocal condemnation of
Israel, a cooling of diplomatic, business and other relations with its
government and the imposition of appropriate sanctions on those responsible for
this murder. We do not need to remind you the terrible numbers of Palestinians
killed, wounded and displaced, as well the destruction of their living
conditions in the enclave under attack, numbers that are increasing daily.
world has fallen to the test of humanity", declared Slovenian Foreign
Minister Tanja Fajon recently, but she did not go much further. It is true that
the Slovenian Government is in favor of a permanent ceasefire, uninterrupted
and constant humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza, the safety of UN and
humanitarian personnel, doctors and journalists, the uninterrupted continuation
of funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians (UNRWA), a peace
conference, the recognition of Palestine and a two-state solution, the respect
for the ICJ decision and international law. It also strongly supports the
efforts of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, to achieve these goals. But
to date, it has been unwilling, unable or has not even dared to issue a clear
and unequivocal condemnation of Israel and a call for sanctions against it.
therefore urge you to do so this time, in the hope that such a response will at
least make Israel reflect on the appropriateness and acceptability of its
actions. If it realises that the European Union no longer stands by it, that it
even condemns and punishes it, it might decide to stop the 'special operation'
and withdraw from the Gaza Strip, which would also calm the situation in
the Red Sea.
know very well that every additional day of hesitation means another 150 to 200
civilians killed, another 90 to 120 women and children killed and another step
towards a larger and more regional conflict.
The 28 000
innocent Palestinian people who have lost their lives so far call on you to act
so that the indelible shadow of the historic disgrace suffered by the Dutch
Blue Helmets in Srebrenica in 1995 does not fall on the entire European Union.
Prove that
humanity is not completely dead on the supposedly most advanced and civilised
continent and that there is the will and the power in Brussels to rekindle it.
initiators of the call, former and current MEPs from the Republic of Slovenia:
Juri, Milan Brglez, Matjaž Nemec, Mojca Drčar Murko, Ivo Vajgl, Mojca Kleva
Other Signatories:
Uroš Lipušček, Rudi Rizman, Spomenka Hribar, Zvone
Dragan, Franco Juri, Boris Frlec, Marjan Šetinc, Jože Pirjevec, Matjaž Hanžek,
Nada Turnšek, Josip Rastko Močnik, Danijel Rebolj, Vesna Godina, Dušan Keber,
Gorazd Kovačič, Dragan Petrovec, Božidar Flajšman, Anna Colombo, Remzo
Skenderović, Polona Frelih, Barbara Volčič, Dunja Ukmar, Natalija Gulič, Franc
Žnidaršič, Lucija Čok, Emil Milan Pintar, Igor Pribac, Iztok Šori, Miloš Šonc,
Marjan Kotar, Andrej Mašera, Janez Šmajdek, Vena Šmajdek, Stane Lunder, Dragica
Lunder, Ljuba Miljuševič, Polona Jamnik, Franjo Žagar, Maca Jogan, Miha Butara,
Brane Virant, Aleks Štakul, Nevenka Mandič Orehek, Igor Polajnar, Janez Verbič,
Andrej Šušterič, Mira Hladnik, Miran Hladnik, Janez Černač, Jože Konda, Ernest
Vodopivec, Stana Vodopivec, Milan Taborin , Marija Ana Taborin, Jožef Roškar,
Marko Zdešar, Robert Puš, Maja Breznik, Franci Perčič, Pavel Jamnik, Violeta
Tomič, Vera Vezovnik, Marko Apih, Branko Šekoranja, Andrej Bolčina, Maruša
Mohorič, Lano Planko, Ana Barbič, Mira Kofler, Bojan Kofler, Andrej Bolčina
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